Friday, December 02, 2005
Tais Toi!
On very important concept I need to learn: "How to make myself sound as though I am giving out all of the information, yet just tell them the power point truth?". I seem to be terrible at information filtering and handing. When my mouth opens to answer any question, it is just complete truth. All what I know comes tumbling all the way down. The point here is not being truthful or not. The point is being tactful. Maybe I need to practice, now and then. Test how people react to incomplete piece of information. The trick is to build a nice cocoon to nestle the listener and make him believe that this is the world. Why even I am thinking of this concept? One, I mostly surprise, shock or startle people by giving them news that isn't yet confirmed which lead to change in decisions, opinions. And guess what happens? the inconfirmed news goes on to be cancelled but the opinions people form of me remains and further affects their sets of action. I think it is called Tact..wonder if there are any classes around ..guess what? I just got my new laptop, off to play with my new toy. will be back!
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