Friday, May 26, 2006

just been lazy

Of late, my friend has been reminding me about the rehaul that my blog needs. Let me shed some light into all your lives. I have just been lazy. It is definitely not that I don't keep scribbling little notes in my head that I would tuck away to get to a screen and blog. It is just that I have been lazy; plain and simple.
Now that he is hell bent on making me rethink certain things over and give myself a new look..hmm, interesting.
Ever thought abt the similarity between performing artists and companies? The word is Constant Innovation. I am definitely as guilty as charged when it comes to thinking of artists as the lesser mortals. During one particularly long, boring and a silent drive to downtown, the realization dawned on me.
An artist is simply a company/firm all by itself. Just like companies need constant innovation to keep their stocks high and happy, investors smiling and employers contented, so does an artist. While the firm would be the effort of all its employees, an artist is left to fend herself/himself with a l'll help here and there. And then there is the regular Marketing, Finance, HR, PR, Sales..all being worked out by this one person who makes the final call. Of course, she/he is helped around, but the final responsibility lies solely on the artist. Every piece is a baby that is so carefully created, nurtured, polished and delivered to the faithful group of hungry audience and critics. Re-inventing oneself is an extremely crucial factor and there is a very high demand for creativity. While the pressure on a firm might be far lesser, an artist needs to sound different in his/her every piece, in the same CD/exhibition/performance. The risk is high or to see the actual intensity, the risk per owner is high for artists. The best part is that artists these days just dont stay within their core competency. They are out there releasing new products; which in business lingo would mean differentiation of products and services. We have perfumes, shoes, watches, endorsements. A plethora of things that these people are willing to get into. Does a company take this much of a risk? Maybe being bigger reduces the nimbleness that can be had?
It dawned on me..artists aren't people who have a glamorous and an easy life. We are so wrong. They dont work just from 9-5. They are simply all departments, all regions,24X7..
Artists, I salute you..

P.S: This blog refused to get posted! grr..


Yasser Rahman said...

the way you put it..made me wonder if im part of a company or an artist :)

New debate running live in my head now :)

Barani said...

Hey first time here,Hopped in from GUS.
Interesting comparision .
will be a regular here.
