Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I have come to the conclusion that I can't have any habit. I tried several times to set up a routine, like wake up early in the morning, finish work out, get into work by 8.30 am, get out by 6.00 pm, cook nice warm dinner, spend sometime reading books/watching tv, get a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, hasn't quite happened. I manage to do some one day and the rest the other day, not all the same day. Anyway, holidays time! I believe a lot of offices have allowed their employees to work from home next week until Jan 2nd 2008. It was weird leaving work today. This would technically be my third new year at this client site. As I look back, I've crossed some miles(tones), learnt some things, frustrated at some more. I wonder how the next year will look like.
As I started my car, I realized a tiny feeling of excitement in my stomach. This was like the one I used to have after I hand in my last exam paper. With that funny feeling in my tummy, I used to walk out of the exam hall reminding myself the list of things to do before I pack my bags and leave the campus for the semester. To say I miss those days doesn't quite capture the feeling.
Anyway, back to 2007, I am excited about this break. It might not be a real break, as I would be still working. Nevertheless, to me it means waking up and not doing the same things over and over again (or feeling guilty of having missed doing a few things). It means doing things that I might never do on regular days. I am definitely looking forward to these days. I am hoping that when I get into the train to get to work, I will think of these days as one of the most wonderful times of all.
So Happy Holidays everyone! Hope you find happiness and spread it as you go along.

ps: I think my car is growing bigger day by day. I find it difficult to park into my carport with ease ( I used to be able to do it before). Isn't supposed to shrink in winter?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

is it me?

May be it is me being a woman, but I am just UNABLE to see the beauty in these ladies to figure them out Super Models! Other than Alessandra, I do not see the beauty in any other of the models..bah!

Monday, December 10, 2007

more vices

As the festival season approaches, I am picking up more bad habits. Recently discovered tastiest combo:
- pop tarts and coffee (one pop tart the size of a playing card is 200 calories!)
- baby carrots and ranch (150 calories a serving out of which 140 is from fat!),
- one tiny spoon of pnb in the morning with coffee (calorie count too evil to write)
- marshmallows dipped in chocolate fondue fountain!

too guilty to reveal more such indulgences..

Thursday, December 06, 2007

How confident?

So the new reports indicate that Iran stopped nuclear weapon development technology in 2003. All eyes are now focussed on the Intelligence Analysts in CIA to substantiate the 180 degree flip in the results of their analysis. After having just made a huge boo-boo (read Iraq), the CIA is just as nervous about the report as a newly wedded bride.
Even two weeks ago, I heard on the radio that US was pressing the UN to issue sanctions against Iran. Words as strong as 'avoid WWIII' (gosh, it is scary even to write this out), 'axis of evil' were used.
Well, now that the CIA turns around and say ' hey, Iran isn't immediate trouble', I wonder how US is going to react. Of course, there wasn't any mistake, right? Be aware, reports state that CIA was moderately confident (as opposed to strongly confident?) that Iran was enriching uranium for development of nuclear war heads (for violent purposes). And now, they are firmly confident that the enrichment has stopped in 2003, but cannot be firmly confident that the activities wouldn't begin again. I can see a smug on your face by now.
This is the same CIA whose reports triggered an extremely serious decisions - the Iraq war. There are other views that that CIA was under pressure to 'make their reports' support the current administration which already murmured about attacking Iraq.
It makes me wonder several things. No matter how much pressure was mounted on the analysts, wouldn't the chiefs/heads just close their eyes and imagine the chaos in the lives of civilians due to the war? What about the implications on the economy? The war is costing (optimistic estimate) more than $2 trillion (with a 'T'!), the huge elephant(that is being ignored)- veteran's health insurance and care, separated and changed forever families, just to name a few. How could one sleep after having caused such a big change in the world? But seems like they learnt from the past. Reports on the radio/tv/internet, indicate that the CIA employed 'new' techniques during analysis of the data. Specific highlight seems to be on the employment of this group to play the Devil's advocate. Forgive me here, I have someone playing that role for decisions as small as changing my hair style! Are you just telling me that this wasn't used while considering invading Iraq? Has human life become such a commodity that has value lesser than a new hair cut? I couldn't help but wonder.
So, does this mean that US invaded Iraq as the intelligence reports were 'firmly confident' but in case of Iran, they are only 'moderately confident' and hence would wait?
Well, of course, Word -play? Are we gauging the level of confidence with a confidence-o-meter?