Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Lord of the World Data

Even before I start typing more, you already know who I am talking about - Google.
The future is going to be simple: Google would be the repository for entire world (and may be even beyond) data.
Simple Scenario: You are wondering what to buy me for my birthday. Forget the age old wish lists, you look me up and voila! you can see everything that I have been upto: what books I borrowed recently, what medicines I am taking (tch..tch), where did I travel to (isn't Google thinking of a travelocity equivalent?), what did I buy (Google Groceries..may be an extension of Google Check out!), what I have in my fridge, my living room, hopefully not everything in my bedroom(Google Home!)..well, now that you know pretty much my lifestyle, you can pick one thing and even try to fix it into my life..sort of run a simulation with that gift and see how I can use it through a Google Life Simulator! And bingo! your gift perfectly suits my life. After this, there wouldn't need to be white elephant parties, I presume. It might just be reduced to exchange parties.
If you want to keep it simple, don't run the Life Simulator :). This tool may be more applicable for husband-wife, bf-gf, parent-child for whom the gift needs to reeally fit, else they will throw a fit!


Sugavan said...

naah...wont happen, I'd sue their azz if they publish the last few books i've been reading, or my favourite hobby or the last movie i watched...wink wink.

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