Saturday, June 11, 2005

Mr and Mrs.Smith

A hollywood movie with bollywood masala..One cannot help but like the lives of Jane and Jon. One begins to wonder if such a thing is possible to exist. Of course, Jane is smarter and sharper than Jon, probably bcoz Jon is so lost in Jane's charm and beauty (tsk..tsk..there is a better word for that), nevertheless, was a good movie to watch at 0030 hours, get lost on the way back and still laugh about the whole experience. wud pen more.

1 comment:

Sriram said...

hey. how be you... hows atlanta treating and hows it being close to the atlantic now.. or is it not.. anyways.. wats up.. long time.. cant see u on chat these days... hows job, new place and new frnnz... and i notice that u were talking about soem french classes? u going for that.. good for u... drop a email when u r free.. tc