Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My childhood game

For those who grew up in early eighties..this was the big hit game among the women folk! Every summer, when I was at my gradma's place, three of us religiously played this game every afternoon. My grandma's place was in a hill, so not so much of a heat-killing summer around. This game was "Choppu-Saaman". Yes, little kitchen utensils, forks, ladle, serving sets, trays, pressure cooker, I even had a LPG gas stove! I used to specially make sure this set was packed along with my clothes in my suitcase. We had a nice tamarind tree in the area and in its shades was our home. Sambhar with mixture of mashed leaves and water, rice made of mud and water, Sabji with mixture of dried leaves and err..not so dried leaves. We just let our imagination run as wild as we used to. The reason we used to play this in the afternoon was that we could avoid the "intrusion" from elders who used this time to take a nap. We did not have doll houses, but "marapachi bommai" which were aborginal dolls in wood without too much of a "shape". But heck! we enjoyed it.
And then there was this one Boy we included in our group. For some strange reason, he never got the hang of the game. He always wanted to be a waiter and wanted to be called Philip. We tried explaining to him a lot of times that this game did not include any waiters. The entire game was just cooking food and making mud cakes. But you should know well how it works with guys. So, there you go, three girls cooking food and this one waiter guy called Philip who went to work(?). Philip served only "Rasna" for everything ordered at his restaurant. [For the not-so-knowledgable group "Rasna" was the most favorite summer-ade coming in different flavors like orange, lemon. Somehow, we never hit the idea of making Rasna and selling them for coupla bucks].
And then we had cycles that were treated as cars(!). So the passenger seat girl runs arnd with the rider (driver?) of the cycle. Yes, girls went to work too (quite a vision, eh?).
Are such games still cool among kids?


Sriram said...
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Sriram said...

This is 21st century and kids these days have live(ly) gadgets to play with.. few of them incl. Computers, TV games , mobile phones etc etc.. Ok. You get the idea. All those soppus are probly reserved for 'Kolu'. i.e if u know what means. :)

Anonymous said...

a really nice post,brought back memories of my child hood days,wish the world was as simple now as it was then