Thursday, May 26, 2005

Ooh la la Atlanta

A city of its own rules (esp. when it comes to driving), a city of small lights, even smaller lanes and the tiniest of all sign boards for driving (I notice the speed limits on roads are always hidden behind some branch of some peach tree).. a city of peachtree street, peachtree road, west peachtree street, west peachtree road, peachtree boulevard..and all being different! What have I been doing all these days? I am living this life of a virtual home maker or should I say, I have been living a virtual life of a home maker. A truly independent life is imminent (if I can use that word here). I start work in another 2 weeks and greatly looking forward to it. My cozy room houses a parapernalia of things now. Discovering more of myself and of the people around me, noticing the delicate details in lifestyles, not many smiles like in Texas, many more "How are you doing lady?" for which I return a petrubed stare or a fake, weak times I have gotten "Don't worry, I am not going to harm you(!!!!)" in return (yeah, right, that is reassuring). Been struggling with this wireless network at home, thinking about interesting things to do, getting back with my french classes (yippeee!I have a french as my prof), planning to shake a leg (or both) with salsa, merengue, bright clothes, hot summer. I never knew I was scared of living in a big city (ok, a big small city). An innocent soul landed in Atlanta on saturday, and yours truly tried playing host. One thing for sure, I definitely managed to scare him with my driving. In my defense, it is just a week since I moved to this city, just about four weeks since I am driving and when you land from SF, sure do find my driving, half as you guessed it right, most of the usual things with a woman driver did sure happen, confused signs, wrong turns, hestitated signals, completely lost, driving in circles! But again, like any woman driver, we managed to get to where we had to, and sure, here I am, at home..all fine :). will be back soon..with more slice of life a l' Atlanta..

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