Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I am still not surprised why many Indians who come to the States are much more disciplined than counterparts of their own age (some would sneer and call them prude). It is interesting how Universities in India can still go ahead and boldly issue bans on clothes and now.. cell phones!. I can't imagine such a statement released here...


Sriram said...

quite a thought. most of these students are spoilt brats. they come in their dad's car, use dad's cell phones etc etc. you would not find ppl who work parttime and pay for tution. once that happens ppl will know the value of money. Most of these guys spend their parents money and they dont give a &*^* about anything else. Ofcourse there are always exceptions. So there has to be some rules. But most indian colleges take it too far by imposing fines if you dont come to college for a day or mis a few classes. that pretty much makes it extended school life. So where is the opportunity for students to get a real college experience? And now that many colleges are deemed, I am not sure how much control the govt has on these private colleges. Any thoughts on these anyone else??

Amrutha Ragavan said...

This raises a pretty interesting tag..How much of control is right? Also, how do we differentiate b/w "zones" where control can be issued and those that are too trivial for such measures?
As long as actions do not infringe on the freedom acts of others and well being of self, I wonder if there should be some curtailing.