Sunday, February 13, 2005

blaming work

quite easy to do, ain't it?Why didn't you do this?-I was busy. Why didn't you come on time?-I was busy. Why didn't I blog today?-I was busy. Somehow, I keep reminding myself of my dad's words: " There is time for every single thing that you want to do in your life. You shouldn't be trying to find time to do things, you should Make time to do them". Wonder how it would be if we could actually transfer time from one day to another :). Probably possible in the parallel universe where another me is sitting and lazing below a huge oak tree, reading all the books that I want to read in this life! Well, got a long nite ahead, a case, test on tuesday and general readings :). So, stay tuned, more tomorrow morning(well, tomorrow morning here in CLL)..a+

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